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Joy Compass

Online Membership for Moms
This course is not open for enrollment.

Joy Compass

Online Membership for Moms


Every busy mom has a different definition of 

 Yours might be letting loose on the dance floor, getting down. 
(That’s mine, BTW!) 
Maybe your jam is hiking and spending time outside, connecting to nature. 
Squeezing in a Saturday afternoon nap might be on your wish list, if you had more time!

But, if you’re like most moms, you want MORE 
J❤️Y in your life. 
-Maybe that’s more freedom to choose where your time goes 
-Feeling like you have the energy to be more present with your family 
-Time to connect with yourself and your needs 

Despite what most moms believe, 
you CAN be a parent AND still make space 
in your life for what lights you up! 

I invite you to join me on your search for more joy. 
It’s there. 
We just need to peel back some layers, uncover it, and bring it out to play. 

You may have forgotten how to play, to have fun. 
Or you may just believe you flat out don’t have time. 

This membership will show you how to build time for joy into YOUR schedule, 
how to carve out pockets of time to use however you need or want.

You will find your way back to yourself, to the parts of you 
that have been ignored, maybe for years. 

The parts of you that yearn for more me time: 
time to exercise 
time to do nothing 
or time to explore what lights you up. 

You are not just MOM. 
There is more to your identity than this one role or label. 
Let’s find YOU and bring her out to play. 

Inside the 
Joy Compass Membership for Moms: 

  You will learn to reconnect to yourself. 

You will find yourself more present in the moment, more at peace. 

You will have MORE FUN , which will positively affect your family. 

You will have the energy to do what’s on the to-do list, 
AND have the energy to make time for what brings you 

In order to find your 
J❤️Y, changes must be made. 
Action must be taken.  

Let’s get you moving in the right direction and 
give you more time back in your day.  

Time you can use to add space to your life.  
Time that allows you to breathe a little easier.  

Finding time in your schedule to take action steps toward your joy is part of the program! 

It’s much easier than you think!  

What If

You could put yourself
first and not feel the
mom guilt?

You felt more focused and energized?

You had the tools to    
cope with and handle  
emotional overwhelm?

   You had the guidance   
             to find your JOY again?  

What If

You could put yourself
first and not feel the
mom guilt?

You felt more focused
and energized?

You had the tools to    
cope with and handle  
emotional overwhelm?

   You had the guidance  
             to find your JOY again?  

Your Online Monthly Membership Includes: 

-Short lessons teaching techniques taught by me or a
 guest expert that will help you bring more J❤️Y back into your life

-Movement sessions, like yoga and personal trainer work outs

-Access to all video lessons, organized on the membership website

-Steps on how to fit Self Care and J❤️Y into your life

-Motivation, encouragement, and inspiration

-A Success Path for your health and well-being

-Techniques to let go of any guilt preventing you from making yourself a priority

-Access to an organized Meditation Library, including kids’ meditations

Testimonials From Members Finding Their Joy!

Bryna R: I highly recommend Becky Shapiro's Membership for Moms or anyone else for that matter.  I am going through a challenge in my life currently and am able to pull from resources she taught.  As well, I am deepening my practice with one of the five key areas she teaches, that I simply fell in love with.  If you have any questions she is always willing to listen and responds in a timely manner.   
Holly S: Becky's membership has been such a big help for me, especially as a mom of 3 little ones! A few things it has helped me with is my patience, how to better handle the stress, to be a better mom overall, my insecurity, the mom guilt,  helped me realize I wasn't putting myself first or taking very good care of myself, and now I have lost 10 pounds and just feel so much better. Just knowing I am not alone and using some of her techniques has helped so much!   


“But, I barely have time to sleep! How am I going to find time for a membership program?”
 You will be walked through how to incorporate Self Care into your 
 busy, mom life in short, bite-sized lessons. As you start to incorporate
 techniques into your schedule, you will find you have more time and

“I’ve tried meditating, and it didn’t work for me!”
 I’m going to give you options to try at all Self Care levels, so 
 you can find what works best for your lifestyle and schedule.  

“This looks like a lot. I'm worried I'll fall behind!”
 There is no falling behind in this program! You move through 
 the lessons and levels at your pace, using only what resonates.
 This is your journey; it takes as long as it takes.  


“But, I barely have time to sleep! 
How am I going to find time for a membership program?”
 I’m going to walk you through how to incorporate Self Care into your busy mom life in short, bite-sized lessons. 

“I’ve tried meditating, and it didn’t work for me!”
 I’m going to give you many techniques to try at each Self Care level, so you can find what works best for your lifestyle and schedule.  

“This looks like a lot. Will it overwhelm me?”
 I was an overwhelmed mom myself. I was also a teacher.  
I’m not going to throw you into the deep end. I’m going to allow you 
to take the process as slow as you need to by starting you in the shallow end with floaties and giving you all the guidance you need for success!   

Mom, I KNOW you are ready to make some small, yet
POWERFUL changes
to your life that will have a
HUGE impact on improving your health and well-being!
That will bring more J❤️Y back to your life!
Otherwise, you wouldn't have read this far.

What would it mean to you if you were
more patient and present with your family?
What would it mean to them?

You are invited to join 
This is the permission you’ve been looking for
to put yourself first!

Who Am I?

My name is Becky Shapiro, and I started my
Journey to  J❤️Y
with very little help or guidance.

I'm a former elementary teacher of 21 years.

I have a 12 year old son who is now in middle school!
Also, a dog momma- they're just like having toddlers!

I'm a wife to an amazing man I married
just as the pandemic hit.

I'm a Mind-Body-Spirit Coach who uses her skills as a
Spiritual Healer,
Channel for Spirit
Energy Healing Practitioner,
Foot Reflexologist,
Yoga & Meditation Instructor &
EFT Practitioner
to empower women to heal,
improve their well-being,
and find their

I have completely transformed my life on my
Journey to J❤️Y !

Allow me to guide you on your self-paced journey!

Monthly Membership


This is a monthly membership that
you may cancel at any time.