The Trusted Feminine- Divinely Guided

It’s possible to be feminine and fearless!

In The Trusted Feminine Class you will learn:
the basics of masculine and feminine energy

how to recognize signs that the feminine needs healing

ways to work with, heal, and trust your feminine energy

You are provided with a guided journey
led by Goddess Isis
to connect with your feminine side and
offered a divine feminine energy activation.

Benefits of Connecting to and Trusting Your Feminine:
 Feeling at home in your body

Feeling safe to be yourself

Hearing what you need- physically, emotionally, mentally, energetically

Understanding importance of making time for yourself, your care, your joy

Knowing how to receive- compliments, abundance, gifts, help, insight, love

Connecting to soul/intuition and the divine

Receiving downloads and information from spirit

Knowing how to make aligned decisions

Connecting to your truth- what you’re here to do

Connecting to your creative side- what you’re here to create

Allowing releasing to take place

Allowing healing to take place

Knowing who you really are and what your gifts are

You will have forever access to the class to rewatch as many times as you like.


During The Trusted Feminine class I fell into a state of deep calmness, as Becky shared her wisdom,
channeled and did an energy healing session. It felt like everything was connecting to a deep
part of me that hadn’t been fully connected in quite a while.
After the class I have really been able to give my feminine energy more support to come through
in my day to day, while knowing that sometimes being in my masculine energy is necessary and that’s ok.
It was a powerful class that felt like a warm embrace rooted in gentle calmness and love.

Trusted Feminine Class

$44 USD

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Becky is a mom, wife, coach, teacher, healer and Channel for Spirit. She is a compass for those seeking JOY or spiritual guidance.