This book documents the fourth chapter of my spiritual healing journey and my personal growth in psychic abilities development.
In this phase, I began embracing and healing the feminine energy. I learned to recognize when she was speaking to me, trying to get my attention.
It was necessary to work with my masculine and feminine energy, guiding them through inner healing, and eventually merging them into one harmonious energy. Both of these energies impact the menstrual cycle, and by doing some healing around it, I shortened the length and decreased the intensity of my periods.
Divinely guided, I learned how to expand myself and my energy into higher dimensions. My galactic team taught me how to safely hold big energy, which allowed me to channel higher dimensional beings.
I dove into understanding constriction vs expansion, what this meant for me, and how it was affecting my life.
Healing work with female ancestors and past lives became important. Connecting deeper to myself and to my essence prepared me to meet and communicate with the Divine Feminine Council who started guiding me on my spiritual path.
My hope in sharing all of my spiritual and healing growth is that it opens up your mind to what is possible and what is not impossible. There truly are no limits to your evolution and transformation.
This book documents the third chapter of my spiritual healing journey and my personal growth in psychic development.
In this phase, I had to focus on my inner work and slowing down to receive, a difficult task in our fast-paced, modern world. Receiving was something I had to learn to surrender to. I wasn’t good at it for many reasons; most women aren’t.
I allowed myself to explore and expand my energetic techniques and psychic abilities, giving myself space to BE more.
During this time, I discovered how important the sun and the moon were as part of my spiritual guidance, and I started working with them, tracking the moon phases and solar flare activity to observe their effects on people.
I dug into how to do the inner healing with my masculine and feminine sides. This made a huge impact on my path, not only improving my ability to receive but also in healing my inner child.
Some of my abilities came through in ways other than are taught, like trance channeling and speaking light language. My inner transformation required letting go of doubts I was doing something wrong simply because I was doing it differently. Discovering how to have fun, which went back to my inability to receive, was a theme. Many women and moms have difficulty allowing fun, due to societal expectations and family responsibilities. I had to work through some limiting beliefs and serious mom guilt!
My hope in sharing all of my spiritual and healing growth is that it opens up your mind to what is possible and what is not impossible. There truly are no limits to your evolution and transformation.
As you read through my experiences, I hope it offers guidance and support for your own spiritual journey.
At the back of the book, you will find a section where I detail the spiritual processes and techniques I’ve learned or created, explaining exactly how I do them, as a gift to you on your journey!
This book is the second part of my journey on my spiritual healing path, where I learned how disconnected I was from myself.
It was only after learning how to go within and truly connect to myself, my intuition and my soul that my spiritual gifts blossomed and opened up at an amazing rate.
I learned how to channel my divine team, communicate with spirits, access the Akashic Records, and use ancestral healing to release what was no longer serving me.
Along the way, my inner child begged for my attention. I developed an inner child healing process to release trauma and old, emotional wounds affecting my present choices and actions.
My hope in sharing all of my spiritual and healing growth is that it opens up your mind to what is possible and what is not impossible. There truly are no limits to your evolution and transformation.
If you are in need of some spiritual guidance or just want to hear an amazing, true story, read to find out how I explored my psychic abilities, learned how to connect and communicate with my soul, and discovered techniques to rapidly expand my spiritual growth!
At the back of the book, you will find a section where I detail the spiritual processes and techniques I’ve learned or created, explaining exactly how I do them, as a gift to you, my reader!
This book is an account of how my child was the catalyst for my spiritual transformation and guided me toward my soul aligned path!
I started this diary when I began to have metaphysical experiences around my son when he was two years old. I documented all the strange happenings for my own sake, not for anyone else to read. It was a way to record all the incredible events, to remember them.
This was all completely new to me. My world and what I believed in shifted quickly. I had to learn a lot in a short amount of time to keep my family and house safe from all the low vibrational activity attracted to us and our energy.
My hope in sharing my spiritual and healing growth is that parents and children going through something similar benefit from reading my story. I had almost no one to turn to for help during some very scary times because few speak up about their psychic experiences and how they handle them.
If you are in need of some spiritual guidance or just want to read an amazing, true story, follow along to hear how I explored and expanded my psychic abilities on my spiritual journey, learned how to communicate with and channel angels, and discovered techniques to keep myself and my family safe along the way!
At the back of the book, you will find a section where I detail the spiritual processes and techniques I’ve learned or created, explaining exactly how I do them, as a gift to you, my reader!