Spiritual Compass

If you are seeking guidance on your spiritual journey and already know in your heart this is an aligned YES, click below to sign up for Spiritual Compass!

I'm Becky Shapiro,
a Soul 🧭 Compass.
My Soul Purpose is to lead others to and on their spiritual path.
I am honored you are here!

How do I find MY spiritual path?

If you are looking for your ✨ spiritual path,
it has already found you.

This is where you are meant to be- RIGHT NOW.

The purpose of this program is to offer techniques, insight and tips to guide you on your spiritual journey.

I get you.
I understand where you’re at.
In the past, I couldn’t hear myself,
let alone my intuition, angels or guides.

In order to communicate above, you must connect within.

You must first step into the next, higher version of you.
And then the next.
 And the next.

Your path is unique.
But I can guide you in the right direction.

In Spiritual Compass, I share with you EVERYTHING that has helped me clear my path and brought me in alignment with my Soul Purpose.

The Soul Compass Framework offers 4 directions of guidance!

CONNECTION- you must be able to connect with yourself if you would like the ability to connect with anyone else, including your Soul, Higher Self, Guides, Angels, Ascended Masters and any other light beings here to guide you.

INNER WORK- as you learn to connect with yourself, you will find areas and beliefs holding you back. Healing must be done. These beliefs must be released. Inner child healing is an important part of the process.

ENERGETICS- working with your energy and raising your vibration on a regular basis are necessary to move forward on your spiritual path.
(You do not need to be an energy healer to work with your energy.)

ALIGNMENT- how to know when your choices and actions are in alignment with your purpose and path, bringing flow, ease and joy into your life.

Has this program been helpful for you?
More than you can imagine, Becky. The short videos are great, as they can be watched when I have a free moment, and are not overwhelming. I have learnt so much... with your training as a guide, I have really started on my journey of healing. I was not sure how to approach this before, but now I am able to effectively clear stuck and rising emotions, and trapped beliefs. I am far more aware of things coming up and can effectively deal with them. I am really grateful to you for sharing your knowledge and experiences... thank you xx  B.B.

  Spiritual Guidance Included

Shadow Work/Inner Work

Belief Clearing
Inner Child Healing  

Techniques to Raise Vibration

Grounding Techniques

Connection with Self  

Connection with Divine Team  

Protection Techniques  

Clearing Techniques  

Working with Your Chakras

Light Language Transmissions

Working with Chakra Channels

Expanding Spiritual Gifts

Feminine & Masculine Energy

Energy Healing Techniques

Expertise from someone who’s been there, made the mistakes
and now teaches others how to walk their spiritual path with confidence
and with guidance from their own divine team.

For 10 years on my spiritual path I didn’t know how to connect with my Soul and divine team in order to benefit from their guidance.

For 8 years I doubted my intuition and had to use a pendulum or muscle test to receive answers to my questions.

For 10 years I didn’t have effective techniques to protect my house and family from low vibrational energy.

For 8 years I couldn’t hear my own grandmother, my guardian angel, who resorted to turning on, flickering or burning out lightbulbs to get my attention.

An organized program, based on a framework, created to fit YOUR needs exactly where you are right now on your spiritual journey.

Everyone's spiritual journey is unique.
No one's path can be retraced by someone else.
You aren't meant to follow in someone else's footsteps.
You are here to learn your own lessons,
discover your own abilities you can gift the world.
A map is unnecessary.
Your path will be revealed as you move forward.
A beacon is unnecessary.
You aren't moving towards someone else's light.
You are learning to illuminate your own.
But you do need a compass, a tool to discern
if you are headed in the right direction.
Not someone else's direction
Not THE direction
YOUR aligned direction

 You are ready.
I am a Soul 🧭 Compass.
Let me point the way.

This is a self-led, self-paced program
because everyone’s journey is unique.

You will have FULL access to all available content 

at all times!

You do not need experience of any kind, spiritual 

or energetic, to benefit from the program.

If you have fears around anyone knowing you're 
exploring and expanding your spiritual abilities,
rest assured no one besides myself will know.
(I was in the spiritual closet for years!)

 Much of the information I share has been channeled,
and new content will be added regularly!

You are right where you are supposed to be.

Monthly Price

Monthly Price

$28.88 USD

per month

I'm Ready For Clarity!